Legal Center
Legal Center
Law enforcement agencies seeking assistance and records for investigations relating to RMG GROUP US Corporation and its products as well as any Law Firms, Attorneys, and other Officials may contact us using the following methods:

By Secure Form

Use the form below to contact us regarding any legal requests and other legal information.

By Fax:

+1 (213) 371-0799

Please be sure to include identification and contact information to ensure your request is processed correctly.

By Mail:

Submit subpoenas, garnishments, levies, and seizure warrants and other legal requests to:

RMG GROUP US Corporation

Legal Compliance And Requests

P.O. BOX 2579

Los Angeles, CA 90078

These communication methods and addresses are intended for use by city, state or U.S. government law enforcement agencies, or other authorized parties only. For member support, please contact us via your app, our website, or by phone at (888) 764-3448